Child Passenger Safety
Members of our department are trained and certified through (NHTSA) National Highway Transportation Safety Association as Car Seat Safety Technicians. The purpose of this program is to educate parents on the proper use and installation of child safety seats. We provide car seat inspections, installation guidance, product recall checks, and informative literature through our office. We may also co-sponsor checkpoint events.

What happens when you meet with a child passenger safety technician (CPST)?
- The car seat will be removed from the vehicle to see that it is functioning properly.
- The CPST will check that the seat is not recalled.
- The caregivers and the CPST will discuss the best placement and installation method.
- Caregivers will learn:
- how to adjust the seat as the child grows.
- how to properly restrain the child in the car seat, booster, or seat belt.
- how to install the car seat (caregivers must get involved).
- The CPST will discuss next steps and additional safety concerns.
- The caregiver will have a chance to ask questions and will receive information to take home.
What should I do to prepare for the appointment?
- Install the car seat yourself if possible. This will help you become familiar with it and may alert you to any issues.
- Bring the manuals for the car seat and the vehicle.
- If the child is unable to attend, please bring current weight and height.
- Please try to move any unnecessary objects out of the vehicle and trunk (for SUVs and minivans). Not only are these objects potential projectiles in a crash, they can be in the way as we need to access different parts of the vehicle.
- Expect to be at the appointment for approximately an hour.
- Bring toys or activities to keep kids busy.
- Wear something that will allow you to be involved in the installation process.