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Emergency Evacuation 

Emergency Evacuation

The thought of having to evacuate is a scary one for many of us, however, being prepared can make it a little less scary. Remember, a failure to plan is a plan to fail. Living in a beautiful, mountainous area such as Amador County requires us all to do a little pre-planning in case of an emergency. Wildfires and other weather-related events are a part of life in this area and the better prepared you are the safer these events become.

During an active wildfire, we often ask people in the surrounding area to evacuate or issue an evacuation warning until we can get the fire under control. It is important that you and your family understand the difference:

Evacuation Order = Evacuate immediately

Evacuation Warning = Be prepared to evacuate on a moment’s notice

Please remember that many times, but not always, evacuation warnings are issued ahead of an evacuation order.

Because we live in a high-fire danger area, having the knowledge of what to do beforehand can save your life and possibly your property.

Here are just a few things to keep in mind to better prepare:

Sign up for Smart 911  through the Amador County Sheriff’s Office - Click Here

Create and maintain defensible space and harden your home - Click Here 

Create your own specific evacuation plan for you and your family - Click Here

CAL FIRE has an excellent website all about defensible space, home hardening, evacuations, and how to prepare. Learn more by clicking on the link below: